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MRO Middle East 2024

Exhibition:March 2-3, 2022
Dubai, UAE

Amir Ali

PIA Engineering and Maintenance


Amir Ali has been working for PIA for over 30 years. He holds a B.Sc. Engineering in Avionics, and MBA in Marketing, besides being trained in Six Sigma from GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati. He is a qualified AML Engineer with over 10 years of experience working on both Classic and New Gen Aircraft. He has had several different Management Assignments, Technical Assistant to the Director of Engineering and Maintenance, Manager Technical to the Chairman of PIA, Manager Purchase Technical Chief Engineering Business Development, and Chief Engineer Cabin Maintenance. In 2010, he was given the pivotal position of Chief Engineer Maintenance Operation Centre. In 2014 Amir was elevated to the position of Director MRO and later he was given the additional charge of Director Training. He served the airline as Director of Corporate Planning for approximately two years 2015-17. He has been the Chief Technical Officer since 2017, looking after the Engineering and Maintenance Department of Pakistan International Airlines.
