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MRO Middle East 2024

Exhibition:March 2-3, 2022
Dubai, UAE

MRO: The Boom of India

  • Tuesday, March 05, 2024:12:40 PM - 1:20 PM


An update on the booming aviation industry in India with a focus on how growth in this region may impact the Middle East. Hear from industry leaders to understand the drivers for growth and what challenges and opportunities this presents to suppliers in the Middle East. Do regional players expect reduced MRO outsourcing from Indian airlines and what impact might this have? Is there going to be a shift in talent flow from India as domestic MROs and other facilities start to recruit local talent? What kind of implications could this have on the existing workforce problems in the Middle East?

    Ashok Gopinath
    President and Accountable Manager
    GMR Aero Technic
    Ashwani Bhargava
    Senior Director of Supply Chain
    Boeing India
    Lee Ann Shay
    Executive Editor, Business Aviation and MRO
    Aviation Week Network
    Rahul Shah
    SVP Strategic Growth, Business Development Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa