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MRO Middle East 2022

Exhibition:March 2-3, 2022
Dubai, UAE

MRO: The biggest headache

  • Wednesday, March 01, 2023:12:50 PM - 1:35 PM


Supply chain problems are only getting worse: How are airline and MRO business models adapting to mitigate? How forthcoming are the OEMs in helping solve these issues? How has the recovery trajectory been hampered by a broken supply chain? What technologies and capabilities may be able to transform the supply chain? Can the rapid adoption of new capabilities and digital technologies improve logistics challenges?

    Husham Osman
    Head of Maintenance
    Royal Jet
    James Pozzi
    MRO Editor EMEA
    Aviation Week Network
    Shaune Du Plessis
    Director of Maintenance Operations
    Texel Air
    Valter Fernandes
    SVP, Base Maintenance, Engine & Components Shops
    Ziad al-Hazmi
    Lufthansa Technik Middle East