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MRO Middle East 2022

Exhibition:March 2-3, 2022
Dubai, UAE

Sonia Dumas

Head of Airbus Services Marketing
AIRBUS Services


Sonia Dumas serves as Head of Marketing for Airbus Services since July 2019; she was previously in charge of leading the marketing team for Airbus Digital Solutions. She started her career in the chemical and petro-chemical industry as a sales engineer, promoting engineering and CAD software. She then joined Siemens Automation & Drives, in charge of marketing the analytics and instrumentation portfolio in the water & waste water industry in Western Europe.

In 2006, she joined the aeronautic industry as events manager at ATR and became Head of Communications in 2009. Sonia joined Airbus in 2015 in Human Resources, as Head of People Resourcing for Airbus in France.
