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MRO Middle East 2022

Exhibition:March 2-3, 2022
Dubai, UAE

MRO: Insights from the MROs

  • Tuesday, February 22, 2022:3:00 PM - 3:45 PM



How have the MROs had to adapt and what capabilities have they gained over a challenging two-year period? How have their strategies changed in their approach to partners with customers, OEMs and other market players? How have they increased efficiency and tried to respond to the needs of airlines who have been trying to survive?

    Caroline Vandedrinck
    SVP, Materials and Services
    Willis Lease Finance Corporation
    David Doherty
    VP Commercial
    Etihad Engineering
    James Pozzi
    MRO Editor EMEA
    Aviation Week Network
    Mohamed Samir Ibrahim
    General Planning Manager
    EgyptAir Maintenance & Engineering
    Yalcin Aydin
    Turkish Technic